

The treatment of inguinal hernia in 'one day surgery'. Personal experience

Siragusa G.Geraci G.Li Volsi F.Guzzino M.Modica G.


Anesthesia localHernia inguinal-surgeryAmbulatory surgical procedures


Background. Personal experience in the treatment of inguinal hernia in 'One day Surgery' is reported. Methods. Design: Retrospective evaluation of cases treated in a twelve months period. The follow-up has been programmed at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the treatment. Setting: General, thoracic and oncological surgery, Department of Surgical and Anatomical Disciplines. Polyclinic, University of Palermo. Subjects: 54 patients aged between 17 and 86 years (middle age 51.9), 48 male have been treated; in 3 cases recurrent hernias were found. Interventions: In every case Trabucco's procedure with local anaesthesia has been performed. Premedication with Midazolam 10 mg i.v. has been associated. Main outcome measures: Postoperative course and morbility have been valued. Results. Twice general anaesthesia has been necessary. No case of allergic reactions has been found. All the patients bat three have been discharged before the sixth hour. Wound infections, seromas, deep hematomas, neuralgias and short-time recurrences have not been observed. Conclusions. Tension-free procedures and local anaesthesia, in personal experience, are mandatory to perform the treatment of inguinal hernia in 'One Day Surgery'.
