

Loss induced collective subradiant Dicke behaviour in a multiatom sample

Anna NapoliAntonino MessinaS. Nicolosi


PhysicsQuantum PhysicsAatomOptical physicsFOS: Physical sciencesContext (language use)PlasmaQuantum entanglementsuperradiant emissionAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsQuantum mechanicsemissionMaster equationRadiation trappingCooperative behaviorStatistical physicsQuantum Physics (quant-ph)Excitation


The exact dynamics of $N$ two-level atoms coupled to a common electromagnetic bath and closely located inside a lossy cavity is reported. Stationary radiation trapping effects are found and very transparently interpreted in the context of our approach. We prove that initially injecting one excitation only in the $N$ atoms-cavity system, loss mechanisms asymptotically drive the matter sample toward a long-lived collective subradiant Dicke state. The role played by the closeness of the $N$ atoms with respect to such a cooperative behavior is brought to light and carefully discussed.
