

Note sulla ricostruzione del centro storico di Palermo. Idee e proposte dai piani.

Antonella Cangelosi


Settore ICAR/19 - RestauroReconstruction Palermo historical centre plan


Palermo was a town still ravaged by war - as Argan reported and he stated that: >. In fact the outcome in terms of damages caused by the war was huge, as entire monuments and considerable urban environments had disappeared into large cavities. In particular, the Teatro Marittimo area, between the Foro Italico and the Cala, became one of the largest sites of ruins created by the war in Italy. With the reconstruction plan approved in 1947 certain indiscriminately destructive principles reappeared in planning policies, such as the implicit request for a new parallel road upstream the 17th century Street called via Maqueda the third road crossing the old town centre, which had been already drawn in the projects that won the competition for the 1939 pre-war Town Planning Scheme. When the new town planning scheme was drawn up in 1956, the "space for manoeuvre" was already limited. However, the interdisciplinary team created for the development of scheme variants, which would be submitted in 1959, included some of the best representatives of the cultural world of Palermo in the architectural and urban planning fields.
