

Quand un dispositif d’accompagnement disparait : les effets sur les parcours des étudiants de santé

Cathy PerretMuriel Henry


[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationréorientationdispositifs d’accompagnementéchec à l’universitéacademic transition academic failure academic path medical studies institutional factorsparcours étudiantsétudes de santéfacteur institutionnel


This research is as part of current works about transition plans for students, specially medical students in France. It analyses how students make training choices as they can be given vocational guidance or not. Effects of transition programme are examined from a new point of view since we also consider results when this program doesn’t exist anymore. We can point out persistence and streams choices as main outcomes of the programme. In doing so, we highlight institutional factors in academic paths.
