

Using Modelling and Tablets in the Classroom to Learn Quadratic Functions

Miriam OrtegaLuis Puig


Qualitative analysisComputer sciencePhenomenonPedagogyQuadratic functionIndustrial engineering


In this chapter, we present teaching material to work with a quadratic function and the meaning of its parameters through the mathematical modelling of a real-life phenomenon: the relation between the time and the height of a ball during a complete vertical rebound and fall. The teaching material uses electronic tablets to collect and process real data in the classroom. After analysing a year 11 implementation, we note that a qualitative analysis of the phenomenon and the families of functions and the students’ prior knowledge about these functions are key elements to manage and control the modelling process, especially, to choose the model and to interpret the results in terms of the phenomenon. Considering the limitations of the first design of the teaching material, we present the elements that we have incorporated into a new design in order to improve it.
