

Maternal literacy teaching, causal attributions and children’s literacy skills in Finnish-speaking and language minority families

Marja-kristiina LerkkanenMartti SiekkinenLeena HolopainenRiitta SikiöGintautas SilinskasJari-erik Nurmi


Language minoritymedia_common.quotation_subjecteducationLiteracyEducationDevelopmental psychologyreadingReading (process)0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesta516ta515media_commonLiteracy skilllanguage05 social sciences050301 educationMean ageattributionliteracy teachingReading comprehensionminority childrenNegative correlationAttributionPsychology0503 education050104 developmental & child psychology


Abstract This study investigated the effect of mothers’ (language minority group mothers, LM, n = 49, and Finnish speaking mothers, MP, n = 368) literacy teaching at home, and mothers’ causal attributions of their children’s (mean age 11.48 years) literacy skills at fourth grade in Finland. For Finnish speaking mothers, results showed a negative correlation between the amount of literacy taught at home and children’s performance on reading tests i.e., more teaching was associated with poorer performance and vice versa. Also, the more MP mothers measured their children’s success by their ability, the better their children performed in reading comprehension tests. In the LM group, maternal literacy teaching did not predict children’s reading skills.
