

La rapidità dell’arte e la lentezza dell’architettura odyssey, no name e la città interetnica

Andrea Sciascia


Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaPasquale Culotta città interetnica Palermo migranti arte architettura progetto NO NAME Favara


The essay relates research and teaching activities about the interethnic city carried out by Pasquale Culotta between the end of the 90’s and the beginning of 2000’s at the Faculty of Architecture in Palermo. This is the starting point of a study about the new condition of the migration in Italy and especially in Sicily where the phenomenon had a rearing in 2013. The new state of the migration pushed the research towards two directions: 1 - a long-term response related with a constant urbanization; 2 - another caused by an urgent nature that often characterizes landings. On these two topics the university education can be implemented. Two recent exhibitions can be useful to lead this goal: “Odyssey” by Ai Weiwei in Palermo and “No Name” in Favara (Agrigento). Teaching and research works about so urgent themes can play a very important role in order to orient urban policies sensitizing civil society on issues that often people prefer to ignore.
