

The inuence of the Workplace Empowerment on Work Engagement: An examination of the mediator role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between structural empowerment and engagement

PaceF. Garcia Selva


Empowerment Work Engagement


Purpose: Structural empowerment focuses on a set of organizational policies and practices initiated by management with the purpose of addressing conditions that produce powerlessness situations and cascading decision-making down the organization hierarchy (Eylon, & Bamberger, 2000). Our aim is to analyze the influence of structural empowerment on both psychological empowerment and work engagement (as defined by Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Román, & Bakker, 2002), and to test the mediator role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between structural empowerment and engagement. Design/Methodology: A cross-sectional research design was used, collecting the data among 155 workers. Regarding the analysis, several regression analyzes were performed, and also a mediation analysis with the PROCESS macro. Results: Results confirmed the significant and positive influence of structural empowerment on both psychological empowerment and engagement. Moreover, the mediation analysis reveals that psychological empowerment acts as a significant mediator in the relationship between structural empowerment and engagement. Limitations: The cross-sectional nature of this research; the shortage of global investigation on workplace empowerment; the lack of variety in the labor sectors of the used sample. Research/Practical Implications: The model should be reanalyzed using structural equations, in order to provide deeper explanations of these potential relationships. Furthermore, the results also provide direction for the professional practice, allowing to develop interventions aimed at the generation of a strong and effective work environment. Originality/Value: Given the increasing status of empowerment and engagement in understanding the motivational basics of employee’s work attitudes and behaviours, the study allows to explore which organizational measures influence the workers’ health and wellbeing, the quality of work and the organizational success.
