

L'eau sur le site d'Alésia : la contrainte hydrogéologique lors du siège de 52 av. J.-C.

Jonhattan VidalChristophe Petit


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryMount AuxoissourcewaterfortificationspringsGaulsiègeenvironnementGauleGuerre des GaulesMont- Auxoishydrogeology[ SHS.ARCHEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistoryeaugroundwaterarmée romainehydrogéologieRoman armyoppidumAlésiaenvironmentGallic warnappe aquifère


Mount Auxois, the theatre of operations during the siege of Alesia, was the object of a field study aimed at defining the area's natural hydraulic barriers. By combining archaeological and historical knowledge, the influence of this environment during a crisis situation such as that of 52 BC was evaluated. Quantification of the water available during the summer months, together with knowledge of the positions occupied by the opposing forces during the siege, provided more detailed information as to how the warring factions organised water supply and water management within their respective entrenchments.
