

Exciton recombination dynamics inInAs∕InPself-assembled quantum wires

David FusterYolanda GonzálezLuisa GonzálezJuan P. Martínez-pastor


QuenchingMaterials sciencePhotoluminescenceAtmospheric escapeCondensed matter physicsCondensed Matter::Otherbusiness.industryExcitonElectronCondensed Matter::Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall EffectCondensed Matter PhysicsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsCondensed Matter::Materials ScienceSemiconductorContinuous waveSpontaneous emissionbusiness


In this work we investigate the exciton recombination dynamics in InAs/ InP semiconductor self-assembled quantum wires, by means of continuous wave and time resolved photoluminescence. The continuous wave photoluminescence results seem to indicate that the temperature quenching of the emission band seems to be more probably due to unipolar thermal escape of electrons towards the InP barrier. On the other hand, the analysis of time resolved photoluminescence reveals that the temperature dependence of the radiative and nonradiative recombination times is mainly determined by the dynamics of excitons localized by disorder shigh energy tail of the PL bandd and strongly localized slow energy tail of the PL bandd in local size fluctuations of the quantum wires.
