

1D antiferromagnetism in spin‐alternating bimetallic chains

M. DrillonL.j. De JonghFernando SapiñaEugenio Coronado


Magnetic PropertiesEdtaExchange InteractionsGeneral Physics and AstronomyNickel CompoundsCobalt Compounds ; Nickel Compounds ; Edta ; Hydrates ; Magnetic Properties ; One−Dimensional Systems ; Ultralow Temperature ; Antiferromagnetism ; Magnetic Moments ; Exchange Interactions ; Ising Model ; Anisotropy ; Specific HeatMagnetic MomentsAntiferromagnetism:FÍSICA [UNESCO]AntiferromagnetismHydratesAnisotropyBimetallic stripAbsolute zeroSpin-½Condensed matter physicsMagnetic momentSpinsChemistryUNESCO::FÍSICAOne−Dimensional SystemsUltralow TemperatureSpecific HeatIsing ModelAnisotropyCondensed Matter::Strongly Correlated ElectronsIsing modelCobalt Compounds


The magnetic and thermal properties of the ordered bimetallic chain CoNi(EDTA)⋅6H2O in the very low‐temperature range are reported. The magnetic behavior does not exhibit the characteristic features of 1D ferrimagnets, but a continuous decrease of χmT towards zero at absolute zero. This 1D antiferromagnetic behavior results from an accidental compensation between the moments located at the two sublattices. This behavior, as well as the specific‐heat results, are modeled on the basis of an Ising‐exchange model that considers both alternating spins and Landé factors, and a zero‐field splitting on the Ni site. Eugenio.Coronado@uv.es ; Fernando.Sapina@uv.es
