

Etude du coaching d’un directeur de recherche de l’INRAE. Soutenu publiquement le 9 janvier 2023. Diplôme d’Université « Coaching & Management ». Parcours « Praticien de l’Executive Coaching »

Virginie Bourion


constructivist psychologycroyance d’exigenceRecherche publiqueCoaching cognitivo-comportementalPublic research cognitive and behavioural coaching constructivist psychology requirement belief cognitive biases upolepsis letting gocognitive and behavioural coachingupolepsisrequirement beliefbiais cognitifsletting gocognitive biasesPublic researchlâcher-prise[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencespsychologie constructiviste


The world of public research seems at first sight to be very little concerned by themanagement issues of the business world in which the right decisions must be taken and forwhich there is an obligation to perform. The very idea of coaching researchers seemsincongruous. The purpose of this study is to challenge this idea, by describing precisely whatthe profession of researcher is in the world of public research - their belonging to very complexstructures and the demanding challenges they have to face - then by studying thecontributions of cognitive-behavioural coaching methodologies. The analysis of the practiceshows that coaching based on constructivist psychology can lead to a better practice of theprofession of a researcher with managerial responsibilities.
