

La rajola a la costa i els residus a l’interior. Mapa dels conflictes socioecològics al País Valencià

Marina Requena-i-moraAina Faus Bertomeu


biologyPaís ValenciàHousing constructionbiology.organism_classificationValencianlanguage.human_languageGeographic distributionTypologyGeographyTipologialanguageMapMapaConflictes socioecològicsHumanitiesValenciaSocio-ecological conflictsValencian Country


EnglishIn the last decade, the Valencian Country has experimented a growth of the productive processes that has led to an unprecedented degradation of the territory. At the same time, the increase in the ecological, material and carbon footprint has led to the generation of socio-ecological conflicts. A typology of socio-ecological conflicts is proposed, consisting of 5 categories —derived from urban processes, infrastructures, pollution and public health, the extraction of mineral resources and the use of water resources—, which classifies and places them on the 'map of the socio-ecological conflicts of the Valencia Country'. The map locates such environmental conflicts. Furthermore, the unequal geographic distribution of these confrontations is structured as follows: in the coast and in the Alacant region we found conflicts over housing construction and road infrastructure. In the inland of Castello and Valencia regions, conflicts are caused by mining extraction and waste. catalaEl Pais Valencia ha vist en la darrera decada un creixement desmesurat dels processos productius que ha conduit inevitablement a una degradacio del territori sense precedents. L’increment de la petjada ecologica, material i de carboni, alhora, ha conduit a la generacio de multitud de conflictes socioecologics. Se’n proposa una tipologia dels conflictes socioecologics formada per 5 categories —derivats de processos urbanistics, d’infraestructures, contaminacio i salut publica, l’extraccio dels recursos minerals i l’us del recurs hidric—, que els classifica i ubica en el ‘Mapa dels conflictes socioecologics del Pais Valencia’. El mapa situa territorialment les confrontacions. A mes desemmascara la distribucio desigual de les confrontacions mediambientals tot reservant per al litoral i l’area d’Alacant les que es deriven de la construccio d’habitatges i xarxa viaria, i les ocasionades per l’extraccio minera i el diposit de residus a l’interior de Castello i Valencia.
