

Imatinib dose escalation versus sunitinib as a second line treatment in KIT exon 11 mutated GIST: a retrospective analysis

Angelo Paolo Dei TosGiuseppe BadalamentiPaolo G. CasaliGiuseppe BronteMargherita NanniniDaniele SantiniAntonio RussoMariella Spalato CerusoAnna Maria FrezzaElena FumagalliDelia De LisiBruno VincenziGiuseppe ToniniMaria Abbondanza Pantaleo


Male0301 basic medicineIndolesTime FactorsGIST; exon 11; imatinib; second line; sunitinibGastroenterologyExon 11Exon0302 clinical medicineSecond linehemic and lymphatic diseasesSunitinibMedicineAged 80 and overGiSTSunitinibExonsMiddle AgedProto-Oncogene Proteins c-kitOncology030220 oncology & carcinogenesisDisease ProgressionImatinib MesylateFemaleResearch PaperGISTmedicine.drugAdultmedicine.medical_specialtyGastrointestinal Stromal TumorsAntineoplastic AgentsDisease-Free Survival03 medical and health sciencesInternal medicineHumansPyrrolesAgedRetrospective StudiesSecond lineSecond line treatmentDose-Response Relationship Drugbusiness.industryRetrospective cohort studyImatinibSurgery030104 developmental biologyImatinib mesylateMutationImatinibbusiness


We retrospectively reviewed data from 123 patients (KIT exon 11 mutated) who received sunitinib or dose-escalated imatinib as second line. All patients progressed on imatinib (400 mg/die) and received a second line treatment with imatinib (800 mg/die) or sunitinib (50 mg/die 4 weeks on/2 off or 37.5 mg/day). Deletion versus other KIT 11 mutation was recorded, correlated with clinical benefits. 64% received imatinib, 36% sunitinib. KIT exon 11 mutation was available in 94 patients. With a median follow-up of 61 months, median time to progression (TTP) in patients receiving sunitinib and imatinib was 10 (95% CI 9.7–10.9) and 5 months (95% CI 3.6–6.7) respectively (P = 0.012). No difference was found in overall survival (OS) (P = 0.883). In imatinib arm, KIT exon 11 deletions was associated with a shorter TTP (7 vs 17 months; P = 0.02), with a trend in OS (54 vs 71 months P = 0.063). No difference was found in patients treated with sunitinib (P = 0.370). A second line with sunitinib was associated with an improved TTP in KIT exon 11 mutated patients progressing on imatinib 400 mg/die. Deletions in exon 11 seemed to be correlated with worse outcome in patients receiving imatinib-based second line.
