

Le strategie del pensiero italiano. Un approccio genealogico all'Italian Thought

Federico Di Blasio


Italian Theory Italian Thought Roberto Esposito Antonio NegriSettore SPS/01 - Filosofia PoliticaSettore M-FIL/03 - Filosofia MoraleSettore M-FIL/06 - Storia Della FilosofiaSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Sociale


The goal of the article is to show, from an insightful point of view terno to Italian Thought, the speci city of Italian thought through a genealogical approach. In the first paragraph we try to de ne that what is Italian Thought through the use of the geo- I know approx. The second paragraph takes into consideration the theses presented from Esposito in Living Thought, trying to outline the characteristics of the long genealogy. The third and last paragraph relates the short genealogies proposed by Negri and Gentili.
