Lupus Impact Tracker Responds to Changes in Low Disease Activity and Remission Outcomes in a Large Spanish Lupus Registry Cohort
M JollyH DevilliersI Rúa-figueroaDr AzizoddinR Menor AlmagroFj López LongoJg Ovalles-bonillaA Olivé-marquesP Rubio-muñozM Galindo-izquierdoA Fernandez-nebroJ Calvo-alenT García De Vicuña-pinedoEg Tomero-murielE Uriarte IsacelayaA Pecondon-españolM Freire-gonzálezR BlancoM Gantes MoraM Ibanez BarceloCa Montilla-moralesJ José C Rosas-gómez De SalazarJ García-villanuevaP Vela-casasempereM E Ruiz-luceaF J Toyos-sáenz-de-mieraJ Hernández BeiraínE Diez AlvarezG Bonilla-hernánJ Narváez-garcíaJ Andréu-sánchezM Moreno-martínez-losaA Sánchez AtrioMl HorcadaT Cobo-ibáñezC Marras Fernandez-cidTr Vazquez RodriguezE Salgado-pérezV TorrenteJ Alegre-sanchoC Mouriño-rodriguezJa BlockJ. Pego-reigosasubject
[SDV.MHEP.RSOA] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Rhumatology and musculoskeletal systempatient outcomes and remissionLupusDisease ActivityComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSyear | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-01-01 |