Cortical networks show characteristic recruitment patterns after somatosensory stimulation by pneumatically evoked repetitive hand movements in newborn infants
Eero AhtolaSusanna LeikosAnna TuiskulaLeena HaatajaEero SmedsHarri PiitulainenVeikko JousmäkiAnton TokarievSampsa Vanhatalosubject
functional networksTOOLBOXCognitive NeuroscienceERP GENERATOR PATTERNSPASSIVE FINGERPRINCIPAL-COMPONENTS-ANALYSIS3124 Neurology and psychiatryCellular and Molecular Neurosciencemotorinen kehitysEEGEegvastasyntyneetperinatal asphyxiaPassive movement stimulationMEGliikeaistihapenpuutepassive movement stimulation3112 Neuroscienceshermoverkot (biologia)ENCEPHALOPATHYaivovauriotLAPLACIAN WAVE-FORMSCORTICOKINEMATIC COHERENCEGENERIC METHODPerinatal asphyxiaaivokuoriEEG functional networkscorticokinematic coherenceELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHYdescription
Abstract Controlled assessment of functional cortical networks is an unmet need in the clinical research of noncooperative subjects, such as infants. We developed an automated, pneumatic stimulation method to actuate naturalistic movements of an infant’s hand, as well as an analysis pipeline for assessing the elicited electroencephalography (EEG) responses and related cortical networks. Twenty newborn infants with perinatal asphyxia were recruited, including 7 with mild-to-moderate hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Statistically significant corticokinematic coherence (CKC) was observed between repetitive hand movements and EEG in all infants, peaking near the contralateral sensorimotor cortex. CKC was robust to common sources of recording artifacts and to changes in vigilance state. A wide recruitment of cortical networks was observed with directed phase transfer entropy, also including areas ipsilateral to the stimulation. The extent of such recruited cortical networks was quantified using a novel metric, Spreading Index, which showed a decrease in 4 (57%) of the infants with HIE. CKC measurement is noninvasive and easy to perform, even in noncooperative subjects. The stimulation and analysis pipeline can be fully automated, including the statistical evaluation of the cortical responses. Therefore, the CKC paradigm holds great promise as a scientific and clinical tool for controlled assessment of functional cortical networks.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2022-11-11 |