

The sustainability report in the the NPOs. An innovative model

G. SicoliGiovanni BronzettiM. RijaF. E. RubinoPaolo TenutaE. Vite


environmental indicatorsNo profit organizationseconomicsocialsustainability report


The growing attention toward sustainability report pushed companies, private and public as well, to adopt instruments able to rate sustainability and environmental impact. Many tools can be used to evaluate social communication but the sustainability report is the most complete to explore, measure, understand and communicate the results under this aspect. Through the sustainability report is possible to supply a balanced vision of the sustainability performance of an organization and to understand all the positive and negative effects generated running the activity. To report the activity NPOs as well, has to disclose results and their connection with the surrounding community as social, environmental and economic impact. The voluntary disclosure of Triple Bottom Line information through proper tools, as the sustainability report, The sector vision of the environmental and social report, differently from the sustainability report, does not allow a complete disclosure on social and environmental activity carried on by the companies. Consequently is not fully represented the impact of these activities on the community. Nowadays NPOs use framework, which partially represent the sustainability activities. NPOs as well as for profit organizations have to introduce new reports keen to fill the information necessity of the stakeholders
