

Differences in acoustically determined sentence stress between native and L2 speakers of Finland Swedish

Heini KallioMikko KuronenMaria Kautonen


toinen kieliruotsin kieliosaaminenarviointimenetelmät6161 Phoneticssuullinen kielitaitokielitaito6121 Languagesäidinkielipuhekieliarviointi


This study describes a pilot attempt to use acoustically determined sentence stress in distinguishing native and L2 speakers of Finland Swedish at different proficiency levels. The study is part of the DigiTala project that examines and develops automatic tools for spoken L2 assessment. Stressed syllables were detected in 235 L2 and 30 L1 speech samples using combinations of f0, intensity, and duration. Differences were found in the relative number of stressed syllables between native and L2 speakers using f0 and duration or all three features. Further research with more consistent speech data is needed to establish reliable automatic measures of sentence stress. nonPeerReviewed
