

Influence functions and efficiencies of the canonical correlation and vector estimates based on scatter and shape matrices

Esa OllilaChristophe CrouxHannu OjaSara TaskinenAnnaliisa Kankainen


Statistics and ProbabilityNumerical AnalysisSign covariance matrixKanoniset korrelaatiot ja vektoritCovariance matrixMathematical analysisTyler's estimateShape matrixCanonical vectorsCovarianceCanonical correlationsCanonical analysisMatrix (mathematics)Canonical variablesCalculusSymmetric matrixEquivariant mapAffine transformationStatistics Probability and UncertaintyCanonical correlationMathematics


In this paper, the influence functions and limiting distributions of the canonical correlations and coefficients based on affine equivariant scatter matrices are developed for elliptically symmetric distributions. General formulas for limiting variances and covariances of the canonical correlations and canonical vectors based on scatter matrices are obtained. Also the use of the so-called shape matrices in canonical analysis is investigated. The scatter and shape matrices based on the affine equivariant Sign Covariance Matrix as well as the Tyler's shape matrix serve as examples. Their finite sample and limiting efficiencies are compared to those of the Minimum Covariance Determinant estimators and S-estimator through theoretical and simulation studies. The theory is illustrated by an example. peerReviewed
