

Evaluation of the impact of therapeutic management on the survival and quality of life of patients with follicular lymphoma or diffuse large B cell lymphoma

Mylène Dandoit


Propensity scoreSurvie netteQualité de vie relative à la santéHealth-related quality of lifeIncidenceHémopathie lymphoïdeDiffuse large B-cell lymphomaLymphome folliculaireLymphome B diffus à grandes cellulesFollicular lymphomaNet survivalSurvie globale[SDV.SPEE] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologieScore de propensionHematologic malignanciesOverall survivalRituximab


In France, hematologic malignancies, which are the sixthmost common cancers, are amajor public healthproblem. This work aimed to study the impact of the therapeutic management on survival and healt-relatedquality of life (HRQoL) in patients with these hematologic malignancies. The first objective of this work is topresent an overview of the epidemiology of lymphoid malignancies with a study of changes in the incidenceand net survival in the Côte d’Or department between 1980 and 2009. The incidence, which has increased since1980, seems to have stabilized since the 2000s for some entities, including follicular lymphoma (FL) and diffuselarge B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Overall, we observed an improvement in net survival, with, however, a lessfavorable prognosis in the short and long-term for some entities. FL and DLBCL were the first lymphomas tobenefit from the introduction of monoclonal antibodies in their therapeutic management. Our second studyaimed to assess the impact of rituximab on overall survival in patients with FL or DLBCL in the Côte d’Or departmentusing a methodology based on the propensity score. Our results confirmed the significant benefit ofrituximab on overall survival in an unselected population of patients. In view of these results, we studied theHRQoL of these patients during and after treatment. HRQoL evolved differently during follow-up dependingon the type of lymphoma.
