

Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants

B ZhouJ BenthamM Di CesareH BixbyG DanaeiMj CowanCj PaciorekG SinghK HajifathalianJe BennettC TaddeiV BilanoRm Carrillo-larcoS DjalaliniaS KhatibzadehC LugeroN PeykariWz ZhangY LuGa StevensLm RileyP BovetP ElliottD GuN IkedaRt JacksonM JoffresAp KengneT LaatikainenTh LamA LaxmaiahJ LiuJj MirandaCk MondoHk NeuhauserJ SundstromL SmeethM SoricM WoodwardM EzzatiL Abarca-gomezZa AbdeenHa RahimNm Abu-rmeilehB Acosta-cazaresR AdamsW AekplakornK AfsanaCa Aguilar-salinasC AgyemangA AhmadvandW AhrensR Al RaddadiR Al WoyatanMm AliA AlkerwiE AlyP AmouyelA AmuzuLb AndersenSa AnderssenL AngquistRm AnjanaD AnsongH Aounallah-skhiriJ AraujoI AriansenT ArisN ArlappaK AryalD ArveilerFk AssahMcf AssuncaoM AvdicovaA AzevedoF AziziBv BabuS BahijriN BalakrishnaP BandoszJr BanegasCm BarbagalloA BarceloA BarkatAjd BarrosMv BarrosI BataAm BatiehaLa BaurR BeagleholeH Ben RomdhaneM BenetLs BensonA Bernabe-ortizG BernotieneH BettiolA BhagyalaxmiS BharadwajSk BhargavaY BiM BikbovP BjerregaardE BjertnessC BjokelundA BlokstraS BoM BobakH BoeingJg BoggiaCp BoissonnetV BongardP BovetL BraeckmanI BrajkovichF BrancaJ BreckenkampH BrennerLm BrewsterG BrunoHba Bueno-de-mesquitaA BuggeC BurnsM BursztynAc De LeonC CameronG CanApc CandidoV CapuanoVc CardosoAc CarlssonMj CarvalhoFf CasanuevaFf CasanuevaJ-p CasasCa CasertaS ChamukuttanAw ChanQ ChanHk ChaturvediN ChaturvediC-j ChenF ChenH ChenS ChenZ ChenC-y ChengIc DekkakiA ChetritA ChioleroS-t ChiouA Chirita-emandiB ChoY ChoJ ChudekR CifkovaF ClaessensE ClaysH ConcinC CooperR CooperTc CoppingerS CostanzoD CottelC CowellCl CraigAb CrujeirasJj CruzG D'arrigoE D'orsiJ DallongevilleA DamascenoG DanaeiR DanknerTm DantoftL DauchetG De BackerG De GaetanoS De HenauwD De SmedtM DeepaA DehghanH DelisleV DeschampsK DhanaAf Di CastelnuovoJs Dias-da-costaA DiazTt DickersonS DjalaliniaHtp DoAj DobsonC DonfrancescoSp DonosoA DoeringK DouaW DrygasV DulskieneA DzakulaV DzerveE Dziankowska-zaborszczykR EggertsenU EkelundJ El AtiU EllertP ElliottR ElosuaRt ErasmusC EremL EriksenJ Escobedo-de La PenaA EvansD FaehCh FallF FarzadfarFj Felix-redondoTs FergusonD Fernandez-bergesD FerranteM FerrariC FerreccioJ FerrieresJd FinnK FischerB FoegerLh FooA-s ForslundM ForsnerSp FortmannHm FouadDk FrancisMdc FrancoOh FrancoG FronteraFd FuchsSc FuchsY FujitaT FurusawaZ GaciongD GaretaSp GarnettJ-m GaspozM GasullL GatesD GavrilaJm GeleijnseA GhasemianA GhimireS GiampaoliF GianfagnaJ GiovannelliRa GoldsmithH GoncalvesM Gonzalez GrossJp Gonzalez RivasF GottrandS Graff-iversenD GrafnetterA GrajdaRd GregorT GrodzickiA GrontvedG GrudenV GrujicD GuOp GuanV GudnasonR GuerreroI GuessousAl GuimaraesMc GullifordJ GunnlaugsdottirM GunterPc GuptaO GurejeB GurzkowskaL GutierrezF GutzwillerF HadaeghJ HalkjaerIr HambletonR HardyR HarikumarJ HataAj HayesJ HeMe HendriksA HenriquesL Hernandez CadenaHerqutantoS HerralaR HeshmatIt HihtaniemiSy HoSc HoM HobbsA HofmanGh DincCm HormigaBl HortaL HoutiC HowittTt HtayAs HtetY HuJ Maria HuertaAs HusseiniI HuybrechtsN HwallaL IacovielloAg IannoneMm IbrahimMa IkramVe IrazolaM IslamV IvkovicM IwasakiRt JacksonJm JacobsT JafarK JamrozikI JanszkyG JasienskaB JelakovicCq JiangM JohanssonJb JonasT JorgensenP JoshiA JuoleviG JurakV JuresaR KaaksA KafatosO Kalter-leiboviciNa KamaruddinA KasaeianJ KatzJ KauhanenP KaurM KavousiG KazakbaevaU KeilLk BokerS Keinanen-kiukaanniemiR KelishadiHcg KemperAp KengneM KerstingT KeyYs KhaderD KhaliliY-h KhangK-t KhawS KiechlJ KillewoJ KimJ KlumbieneE KolleP KolsterenP KorrovitsS KoskinenK KoudaS KozielPl KristensenS KrokstadD KromhoutHs KrugerR KubinovaR KucieneD KuhUm KujalaK KulaZ KulagaRk KumarP KurjataYs KusumaK KuulasmaaC KyobutungiT LaatikainenC LachatO LandroveV LanskaG LappasB LarijaniLe LaugsandA LaxmaiahKln BaoTd LeC LeclercqJ LeeJ LeeT LehtimakiR LekhrajLm Leon-munozNs LevittY LiCl LillyW-y LimM Fernanda Lima-costaH-h LinX LinA LinnebergL LissnerM LitwinJ LiuR LorbeerPa LotufoJ Eugenio LozanoD LuksieneA LundqvistN LunetP LytsyG MaJ MaGll Machado-coelhoS MachiS MaggiDj MaglianoM MajerM MakdisseR MalekzadehR MalhotraKm RaoS MalyutinaY ManiosJi MannE ManzatoP MargozziniP Marques-vidalJ MarrugatR MartorellEb MathiesenA MatijasevichTe MatshaJcn MbanyaAjmd PossoSr McfarlaneSr McfarlaneSt McgarveyS MclachlanRm McleanBa McnultyAsm KhirS Mediene-benchekorJ MedzionieneA MeirhaegheC MeisingerAmb MenezesGr MenonIi MeshramA MetspaluJ MiK MikkelJc MillerJ Francisco MiquelJ Jaime MirandaM Misigoj-durakovicMk MohamedK MohammadN MohammadifardV MohanMfm YusoffNc MollerD MolnarA MomenanCk MondoKdk MonyekiLb MoreiraA MorejonLa MorenoK MorganG MoschonisM MossakowskaA MostafaJ MotaMe MotlaghJ MottaMl MuiesanM Mueller-nurasyidN MurphyJ MursuV MusilG NagelBm NaiduH NakamuraJ NamsnaEek NangVb NangiaS NarakeE Maria Navarrete-munozNc NdiayeWa NealI NenkoF NerviHk NeuhauserNd NguyenQn NguyenRe Nieto-martinezTj NiiranenG NingT NinomiyaS NishtarM NoaleOa NoboaAa NoorbalaT NoratD NotoM Al NsourD O'reillyK OhMta OlintoIo OliveiraMa OmarA OnatP OrdunezC OsmondSm OstojicJa OteroK OvervadE Owusu-daboFm PaccaudC PadezE PahomovaA PajakD PalliL PalmieriS Panda-jonasF PanzaD PapandreouWr ParnellM ParsaeianI PecinMs PednekarN PeerPh PeetersSv PeixotoC PelletierM PeltonenAc PereiraR Marina PerezA PetersJ PetkevicieneN PeykariSt PhamI PigeotH PikhartA PilavL PilottoF PitakakaP Plans-rubioM PolakowskaO PolasekM PortaMlp PortegiesA PourshamsR PradeepaM PrashantJf PriceM PuiuM PunabRf QasrawiM QorbaniI RadicR RadisauskasM RahmanO RaitakariM RajSr RaoE RamosS RampalDa Rangel ReinaF RasmussenJ RedonPfm ReganitR RibeiroE RiboliF RigoTfr De WitRm Ritti-diasSm RobinsonC RobitailleF Rodriguez-artalejoLa Rodriguez-villamizarR Rojas-martinezA RosengrenA RubinsteinO RuiB Sandra Ruiz-betancourtArv Russo HorimotoM RutkowskiC SabanayagamHs SachdevO SaidiS SakaryaB SalanaveE Salazar MartinezD SalmeronV SalomaaJt SalonenM SalvettiJ Sanchez-abantoS SansD SantosIs SantosRn Dos SantosR SantosJl SaramiesLb SardinhaGs MargolisN SarrafzadeganK-u SaumSc SavvaM ScazufcaH SchargrodskyIj SchneiderC SchultszAe SchutteA SenIo SenbanjoSg SepanlouSk SharmaJe ShawK ShibuyaDw ShinY ShinR SiantarAm SibaiDa Santos SilvaM SimonJ SimonsLa SimonsM SjotromS SkovbjergJ Slowikowska-hilczerP SlusarczykL SmeethMc SmithMb SnijderH-k SoE SobngwiS SoderbergV SolfrizziE SonestedtY SongTia SorensenM SoricCs JeromeA SoumareJa StaessenG StarcMg StathopoulouB StavreskiJ Steene-johannessenP StehleAd SteinGs StergiouJ StessmanJ StieberD StoecklT StocksJ StokwiszewskiK StronksMw StrufaldiC-a SunJ SundstromY-t SungP SuriyawongpaisalRg SyEs TaiM-l TammesooA TamosiunasL TangX TangF TanserY TaoMr TarawnehCb Tarqui-mamaniA TaylorH TheobaldL ThijsBh ThuesenA TjonnelandHk TolonenM TopbasR Topor-madryM Jose TormoM TorrentP TraissacD TrichopoulosA TrichopoulouOth TrinhA TrivediL TshepoMk Tulloch-reidT-p TuomainenMl TurleyP TyneliusC TzourioP UedaE UgelH UlmerHmt UusitaloG ValdiviaD ValviYt Van Der SchouwK Van HerckL Van RossemIgm Van ValkengoedD VanderschuerenD VanuzzoL VattenT VegaG Velasquez-melendezG VeronesiWmm VerschurenR VerstraetenCg VictoraL VietE Viikari-junturaP VineisJ VioqueJk VirtanenS Visvikis-siestB ViswanathanP VollenweiderA VrdoljakM VrijheidAn WadeA WagnerJ WaltonWnw MohamudM-d WangQ WangYx WangSg WannametheeN WarehamN WederkoppD WeerasekeraPh WhincupK WidhalmIs WidyaheningA WiecekAh WijgaRj WilksP WilleitEa WilliamsT WilsgaardB WojtyniakTy WongRa Wong-mcclureJ WooM WoodwardAg WuFc WuSl WuH XuW YanX YangX YePk YiallourosA YoshiharaNo Younger-colemanAf YusoffS ZambonT ZdrojewskiY ZengD ZhaoW ZhaoY ZhengD ZhuE ZimmermannJ Zuniga CisnerosNcdrf Collaboration


presión sanguíneahypertensionSettore MED/09 - Medicina Internaunited-stateshumanosBlood Pressuresystematic analysisGlobal HealthRisk FactorsGeneral & Internal MedicinePrevalencefactores de riesgoHumanssecular trendscardiovascular risk-factorsMedicine (all)global burdenprevalenciaBayes Theoremgender-differences//purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#3.02.00 [https]sodium-intakehealth examination surveyslow-incometeorema de Bayes


Background Raised blood pressure is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and chronic kidney disease. We estimated worldwide trends in mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure, and the prevalence of, and number of people with, raised blood pressure, defined as systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher. Methods For this analysis, we pooled national, subnational, or community population-based studies that had measured blood pressure in adults aged 18 years and older. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends from 1975 to 2015 in mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure, and the prevalence of raised blood pressure for 200 countries. We calculated the contributions of changes in prevalence versus population growth and ageing to the increase in the number of adults with raised blood pressure. Findings We pooled 1479 studies that had measured the blood pressures of 19.1 million adults. Global age-standardised mean systolic blood pressure in 2015 was 127.0 mm Hg (95% credible interval 125.7-128.3) in men and 122.3 mm Hg (121.0-123.6) in women; age-standardised mean diastolic blood pressure was 78.7 mm Hg (77.9-79.5) for men and 76.7 mm Hg (75.9-77.6) for women. Global age-standardised prevalence of raised blood pressure was 24.1% (21.4-27.1) in men and 20.1% (17.8-22.5) in women in 2015. Mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure decreased substantially from 1975 to 2015 in high-income western and Asia Pacific countries, moving these countries from having some of the highest worldwide blood pressure in 1975 to the lowest in 2015. Mean blood pressure also decreased in women in central and eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and, more recently, central Asia, Middle East, and north Africa, but the estimated trends in these super-regions had larger uncertainty than in high-income super-regions. By contrast, mean blood pressure might have increased in east and southeast Asia, south Asia, Oceania, and sub-Saharan Africa. In 2015, central and eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and south Asia had the highest blood pressure levels. Prevalence of raised blood pressure decreased in high-income and some middle-income countries; it remained unchanged elsewhere. The number of adults with raised blood pressure increased from 594 million in 1975 to 1.13 billion in 2015, with the increase largely in low-income and middle-income countries. The global increase in the number of adults with raised blood pressure is a net effect of increase due to population growth and ageing, and decrease due to declining age-specific prevalence. Interpretation During the past four decades, the highest worldwide blood pressure levels have shifted from high-income countries to low-income countries in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa due to opposite trends, while blood pressure has been persistently high in central and eastern Europe. Funding Wellcome Trust.
