

La experiencia docente del Observatorio de derechos humanos en la formación de juristas comprometidos

José Elías Esteve MoltóEstrella Del Valle CalzadaRaquel Vanyó VicedoJoan Marc Ferrando Hernández


Innovación educativaInnovaciónEducación superiorHuman rightsDerechos humanosEnseñanza superiorTecnologías y educaciónObservatoryInnovationReflexión críticaCritical thinkingObservatorio


[EN] The Human Rights Observatory is a pilot experience based on the teaching-learning methodology that allows, in an open, dynamic and participatory way. It monitors international current affairs and opens up a space for discussion and debate in the classroom on all those phenomena that, to a greater or lesser extent, condition International Law in the contemporary world. For this purpose, the Observatory will raise questions about issues of interest, highly topical subjects, complex problems, controversial processes and, above all, new approaches that encourage, not only through autonomous work but also through critical reflection, to deepen and complement the theoretical content of the different thematic units in an eminently practical way. The aim of all the above is to arouse the interest and curiosity of the students in the subject taught and to encourage their motivation for these issues beyond the classroom. The operation of the Observatory is nourished by the carrying out of multiple activities that will be analysed in detail in the development of this paper. The main motivation of all of them will be to explore in depth the critical potential that the teaching-learning process of law must assume in relation to the study of problematic issues related to the protection and promotion of Human Rights.
