

Design, modeling, and simulation of a photovoltaic water pumping system

Giovanni CiprianiV. Di DioG. DragoMariano Giuseppe IppolitoValeria BoscainoJ. A. Sa'ed


Water pumpingbusiness.industryMPPTPhotovoltaic systemWaterPhysics::OpticsSettore ING-IND/32 - Convertitori Macchine E Azionamenti ElettriciMaximum power point trackingRenewable energySolar waterAncillary functionSettore ING-IND/33 - Sistemi Elettrici Per L'EnergiaPumpingEnvironmental scienceElectricityDesign modelingbusinessMATLABProcess engineeringPhotovoltaiccomputercomputer.programming_language


Electric pumps cannot be fed in those areas where they are not connected to the electric public distribution grid. In those areas, it is useful to feed electric pumps by means of the electricity generated from renewable energy sources plants. Among these, the Solar Water Pumping Systems feed electric pump thanks to the electricity generated by a photovoltaic plant. In this paper, a whole SWPS is fully designed, modelled, and simulated in Matlab environment. The proposed implementation is an useful tool for SWPS testing.
