

New Developments in the Use of Location Quotients to Estimate Regional Input–Output Coefficients and Multipliers

Timo Tohmo


Input/outputRegional planningEconometricsGeneral Social SciencesProduction (economics)Mathematical economicsNational dataQuotientGeneral Environmental ScienceMathematicsLocal policy


Tohmo T. (2004) New developments in the use of location quotients to estimate regional input–output coefficients and multipliers, Reg. Studies 38, 43–54. This study compares the survey-based regional input–output coefficients and production multipliers published by Statistics Finland, 2000, with estimates obtained by applying location quotients (LQs) to national data. The consequences of using alternative adjustment formulae, the ‘SLQ, CILQ and FLQ’ are illustrated by an input–output model constructed for the Keski-Pohjanmaa (K-P) region. The results indicate that the SLQ and CILQ both produce highly misleading regional input–output coefficients and multipliers. These adjustment formulae are clearly not good enough for the purposes of making local policy and regional planning. The FLQ formula (β=1) yields much better regional input–output coefficients and multipliers than the SLQ and CILQ. The FLQ gives very good estimates for regional multipliers in nearly all industries. The difference between the multi...
