

Photochemically Produced Singlet Oxygen: Applications and Perspectives

Ivana PibiriAntonio Palumbo-piccionelloAndrea PaceSilvestre Buscemi


010405 organic chemistryChemistryEnvironmental remediationSinglet oxygenmedicine.medical_treatmentOrganic ChemistryPhotodynamic therapySettore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica010402 general chemistryPhotochemistry01 natural sciencessinglet oxygen0104 chemical sciencesAnalytical Chemistryphotooxygenation reactionchemistry.chemical_compoundphotodynamic therapymedicinePhysical and Theoretical Chemistryenvironmental remediationphototherapy


This Review aims to provide early stage researchers with an updated guide to applications of photochemically produced singlet oxygen and, at the same time, widen the experienced researcher's perspectives in a holistic approach to singlet oxygen chemistry. Without being exhaustive, literature between 2010 and early 2018 has been surveyed by focusing on a critical evaluation of new knowledge and applications. After an introductory section concerning singlet oxygen production, detection, and interactions with biological systems, subsequent sections describe current applications of singlet-oxygen-enabled technology. Besides strictly chemical synthesis applications, attention has been given to the usage of singlet oxygen in photochemically assisted therapies as well as in environmental remediation. Additionally, the potential of expanding singlet oxygen chemistry to unexplored fields has been discussed.
