

Uddannelse som social kunstform?

Helene Illeris


lcsh:Sportskunstnerisk forskningHigher educationmasteruddannelselcsh:NX1-820business.industryResearch methodologyartistic researchlcsh:Arts in generalSocial practiceThe artsArt as social practiceContemporary artKunst som social praksisaktionsforskninglcsh:GV557-1198.995praksisstyret forskningpractice-led researchaction researchPedagogyMaster’s programmeSociologyAction researchbusiness


Malet med denne artikel er at undersoge nogle af de kunstneriske og paedagogiske dilemmaer, der kan opsta, nar man anvender praksisstyret aktionsforskning i udviklingen af egen undervisning i og gennem de kunstneriske fag ved et universitet. Ved at fokusere pa vanskelige situationer onsker artiklen at diskutere, hvad der sker, nar laerere og studerende sammen udforsker egne roller i de utydeligt afgraensede mellemrum og spaendinger mellem praksisformerne undervisning, forskning og kunst. I forste del av artiklen praesenteres didaktiske, kunstneriske og metodiske aspekter af forskningsprojektet Art as Education/Education as Art, hvor min kollega og jeg i efteraret 2016 sammen gennemforte en undersogelse knyttet til sporgsmalet: Hvad sker der, hvis vi, sammen med studerende og kolleger, betragter vores egen uddannelsespraksis som en kunstform? I artiklens anden del stilles der skarpt pa dilemmaer og konflikter mellem undervisernes intentioner og de studerendes forventninger og mellem relationelle og antagonistiske tilgange til social kunst. Endelig diskuterer artiklen studerendes og laereres muligheder for at bebo deres egen undervisnings- og uddannelsespraksis over tid med udgangspunkt i begrebet arbejde. Nokkelord: Kunst som social praksis; masteruddannelse; kunstnerisk forskning; praksisstyret forskning; aktionsforskning English abstract The goal of this article is to explore some of the artistic and pedagogical dilemmas that appeared in an inquiry conducted in the autumn of 2016 at the Master’s Programme in the Arts at the University of Agder in Norway as part of the research project Art as Education/Education as Art. The inquiry was conducted through practice-led action research, an open-ended and collaborative research methodology developed by the researcher-teachers in order to examine their own educational practices together with students and colleagues. Inspired by contemporary art practices the inquiry aimed to explore the question: What happens if we consider the educational practice in which we take part as a social arts practice? The first part of the article presents the structure of the Master’s programme and discusses educational, artistic, and methodological aspects of the inquiry with a special focus on ethical dilemmas. The second part of the article uses a fieldbased example from an evaluation meeting to focus on some of the conflicts encountered, firstly between the intentions of the researcher-teachers’ and the students’ expectations, and secondly between relational and antagonistic approaches to social arts practices. In conclusion, the article discusses possibilities for inhabiting practices of teaching and education over time as a form of on going labour. Keywords: Art as social practice; master’s programme; artistic research; practice-led research; action research Citation: H. Illeris. “Uddannelse som social kunstform - Kunstneriske og paedagogiske dilemmaer i forskning med kunstfaglig uddannelse?”. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, Special Issue: «A forske med kunsten» Vol. 2, 2018, pp. 23–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.23865/jased.v2.1133
