

Subnational mapping of HIV incidence and mortality among individuals aged 15-49 years in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-18: a modelling study

B. SartoriusJ.d. VanderheideM. YangE.a. GoosmannJ. HonE. HaeuserM.a. CorkS. PerkinsD. JahagirdarL.e. SchaefferA.l. SerfesK.e. LegrandH. AbbastabarZ.h. AbeboA.e. AbosetugnE. Abu-gharbiehM.m.k. AccrombessiO.m. AdebayoA.e. AdegbosinV. AdekanmbiO.o. AdetokunbohD.a. AdeyinkaB.o. AhinkorahK. AhmadiM.b. AhmedY. AkaluO.o. AkinyemiR.o. AkinyemiA. AkliluC.j. AkunnaF. AlahdabZ. Al-alyN. AlamA.a. AlamnehT.m. AlanziB.w. AlemuR.k. AlhassanT. AliV. AlipourS. AminiR. AncuceanuF. AnsariZ.a. AntenehD. AnvariR. AnwerS.c.y. AppiahJ. ArablooM.a. AsemahagnM. Asghari JafarabadiW.n. AsmareD.d. AtnafuM.m.w. AtoutA. AtreyaM. AusloosA.f. AwedewB.p. Ayala QuintanillaM.a. AyanoreY.a. AynalemM.a. AyzaS. AzariZ.n. AzeneZ.-u.-d. BabarA.a. BaigS. BalakrishnanM. BanachT.w. BärnighausenS. BasuM. BayatiN. BediT.t. BekumaW.m.m. BezabheA.s. BhagavathulaP. BhardwajK. BhattacharyyaZ.a. BhuttaS. BibiB. BikbovT.a. BirhanZ.w. BitewM.j. BockarieA. BoloorO.j. BradyN.l. BragazziA.n. BrikoN.i. BrikoSharath Burugina NagarajaZ.a. ButtR. CárdenasF. CarvalhoJ. CharanS. ChatterjeeS.k. ChattuV.k. ChattuM.a.k. ChowdhuryD.-t. ChuA.j. CookN.m. CormierR.g. CowdenC. CulquichiconB. DagnewS.m.a. DahlawiG. DamianiParnaz DaneshpajouhnejadF. DaoudA. DaryaniJ. Das NevesN. Davis WeaverM. Derbew MollaK. DeribeA.a. DestaK. DeubaS.d. DharmaratneG.p. DhunganaD. DiazS. DjalaliniaP.n. DokuE. DubljaninB. DukoA.w. EaganL. EarlJ.w. EatonA. EffiongM. El Sayed ZakiM. El TantawiR. ElayedathS.i. El-jaafaryA. ElsharkawyS. EskandariehO. EyawoS. EzzikouriA.o. FasanmiA. FasilN.k. FaukV.l. FeiginT.y. FeredeE. FernandesF. FischerN.a. FoigtM.o. FolayanM. ForoutanJ.m. FrancisT. FukumotoM.m. GadB.s. GeberemariyamB. GebregiorgisB. GebremichaelH.a. GesesewL. GetacherK. GhadiriA. GhashghaeeS.a. GilaniT.g. GinindzaM. GlagnM. GolechhaP.n. GonaM.i.m. GubariH.c. GugnaniD. GuidoR.a. GuledB.j. HallS. HamidiD.w. HandisoA. HargonoA. HashiS. HassanipourH. HassankhaniK. HayatC. HerteliuH.d. De HidruR. HollaH.d. HosgoodN. HossainM. HosseiniM. HosseinzadehM. HousehB.-f. HwangS.e. IbitoyeO.s. IlesanmiI.m. IlicM.d. IlicS.s.n. IrvaniC.c.d. IwuC.j. IwuI.o. IyamuV. JainM. JakovljevicF. JalilianR.p. JhaK.b. JohnsonV. JoshuaF. JoukarJ.j. JozwiakA. KabirL.r. KalankeshR. KalhorA. KamathN. KamyariT. KanchanB. Karami MatinA. KarchS.e. KarimiA.s. KasaG. KassahunG.a. KayodeA. Kazemi KaryaniP.n. KeiyoroB. KelkayN. KhalidG. KhanJ. KhanM.n. KhanK. KhatabS. KhazaeiY.j. KimA. KisaS. KisaS. KochharJ.a. KopecS. KosenS. Koulmane LaxminarayanaA. KoyanagiK. KrishanB. Kuate DefoN. KugbeyV. KulkarniM. KumarN. KumarO.p. KurmiD. KusumaD. KuupielH.h. KyuC. La VecchiaD.k. LalJ.o. LamI. LandiresS. LasradoJ.v. LazarusA. Lazzar-atwoodP.h. LeeC.t. LeshargieB. LiX. LiuP.d. LopukhovH.i.m. AminD. MadiP.w. MahashaA. MajeedA. MalekiS. MalekiA.a. MamunN. ManafiM.a. MansourniaF.r. Martins-meloS.z. MasoumiB.k. MayalaB.g. MeharieH.a.a. MeheretuH.g. MelesM. MelkuW. MendozaE.w. MengeshaT.j. MeretojaA.m. MershaT. MestrovicT.r. MillerA. MiricaM. Mirzaei-alavijehO. MohamadY. MohammadA. Mohammadian-hafshejaniJ.a. MohammedS. MohammedS. MohammedA.h. MokdadT. MokonnonM. MolokhiaM. MoradiY. MoradiR. MoradzadehP. MoragaJ.f. MosserS.b. MunroG. MustafaS. MuthupandianM. NaderiA.j. NagarajanM. NaghaviM. NaveedV.c. NayakJ. NazariR. NdejjoS. NepalH.b. NetsereF.n. NgalesoniG. Nguefack-tsagueJ.w. NgunjiriY.t. NigatuS.n. NigussieC.a. NnajiJ.j. NoubiapV. Nuñez-samudioB. OanceaO.o. OdukoyaF.a. OgboO. OladimejiA.t. OlagunjuB.o. OlusanyaJ.o. OlusanyaM.o. OmerA.e.e. OmonisiO.e. OnwujekweO.e. OrisakweN. OtstavnovM.o. OwolabiP.a. MaheshJ.r. PadubidriS. PakhaleA. PanaS.r. Pandi-perumalU.k. PatelM. PathakG.c. PattonS. PawarE.k. PeprahK.n. PokhrelM.j. PostmaF.h. PottooH. PourjafarD.r.a. PribadiZ. Quazi SyedA. RafieiF. RahimM.h.u. RahmanA.m. RahmaniP. RamJ. RanaC.l. RanabhatS. RaoS.j. RaoP. RathiD.l. RawafS. RawafR. RawassizadehV. RenjithM.a. RetaN. RezaeiA. RezapourA.i. RibeiroJ.m. RossS.f. RumishaR. SagarM. SahuS.m. SajadiM.r. SalemA.m. SamyB. SathianA.e. SchutteA.-a. SeiduF. ShaO. ShafaatM. ShahbazM.a. ShaikhM.f. ShakaA. SheikhK. ShibuyaJ.i. ShinK.m. ShivakumarN.b. SidemoJ.a. SinghV.y. SkryabinA.a. SkryabinaA. SoheiliS. SoltaniO.d. SomefunM.b. SorrieE.e. SpurlockM.b. SufiyanB.w. TaddeleE.g. TadesseZ. TamirA.t. TamiruF.c. TanserN. TaveiraA. Tehrani-banihashemiY. TekalegnF.h. TesfayB. TessemaZ.t. TessemaB. ThakurM.a. TolaniR. Topor-madryM. TorradoM.r. Tovani-paloneE. TrainiA.c. TsaiG.w. TsegayeI. UllahS. UllahC.d. UmeokonkwoB. UnnikrishnanC. VardavasF.s. ViolanteB. VoY.d. WadoY. WaheedR.g. WamaiY. WangP. WardA. WerdeckerN.d. WickramasingheT. WijeratneC.s. WiysongeT.g. WondmenehT. YamadaS. YayaY. YeshawY.g. YeshitilaM.t. YilmaP. YipN. YonemotoT. YosefH. YusefzadehS.s. ZaidiL. ZakiM. ZamanianM.s. ZastrozhinA. ZastrozhinaD.t. ZewdieY. ZhangZ.-j. ZhangA. ZiapourS.i. HayL. Dwyer-lindgrenLbd Hiv Incidence Mortality Collaborators


0301 basic medicinesub-Saharan AfricaMaleHIV AntibodieEpidemiologyHIV incidencesHIV Infectionsmortality rateHIV AntibodiesModelling studyHuman immunodeficiency virus prevalence0302 clinical medicineAfrica NorthernRA0421Seroepidemiologic StudiesMedicineNorthernHIV Infection030212 general & internal medicineYoung adult10. No inequalityuncertaintyMozambique11 Medical and Health SciencesHIV mortalityMortality rateIncidence (epidemiology)Incidence1. No povertyHiv incidencearticleMauritaniaHuman immunodeficiency virus infected patientArticlestrackingMiddle Agedhealth care planning3. Good healthPeer reviewLesothoAIDSInfectious DiseasesQR180A990 Medicine and Dentistry not elsewhere classifiedFemaleprenatal careanti human immunodeficiency virus agentseroepidemiologyHumanAdultAdolescentAnti-HIV AgentsImmunologyantiretroviral therapyUnit (housing)03 medical and health sciencesYoung AdultbloodHuman immunodeficiency virus infectionVirologySeroprevalenceHumanshumanDeveloping CountriesEstimationAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeSubnational mappingsbusiness.industrySeroepidemiologic StudieHIVAnti-HIV AgentPREVENTION030112 virologymortalitymonitoring3121 General medicine internal medicine and other clinical medicineHuman immunodeficiency virus antibodyAfricabusinessHIV incidence ; HIV mortality ; Subnational mapping ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; Local burden of disease ; Public healthDemography


Background. High-resolution estimates of HIV burden across space and time provide an important tool for tracking and monitoring the progress of prevention and control efforts and assist with improving the precision and efficiency of targeting efforts. We aimed to assess HIV incidence and HIV mortality for all second-level administrative units across sub-Saharan Africa. Methods. In this modelling study, we developed a framework that used the geographically specific HIV prevalence data collected in seroprevalence surveys and antenatal care clinics to train a model that estimates HIV incidence and mortality among individuals aged 15–49 years. We used a model-based geostatistical framework to estimate HIV prevalence at the second administrative level in 44 countries in sub-Saharan Africa for 2000–18 and sought data on the number of individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) by second-level administrative unit. We then modified the Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) to use these HIV prevalence and treatment estimates to estimate HIV incidence and mortality by second-level administrative unit. Findings. The estimates suggest substantial variation in HIV incidence and mortality rates both between and within countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with 15 countries having a ten-times or greater difference in estimated HIV incidence between the second-level administrative units with the lowest and highest estimated incidence levels. Across all 44 countries in 2018, HIV incidence ranged from 2·8 (95% uncertainty interval 2·1–3·8) in Mauritania to 1585·9 (1369·4–1824·8) cases per 100 000 people in Lesotho and HIV mortality ranged from 0·8 (0·7–0·9) in Mauritania to 676·5 (513·6–888·0) deaths per 100 000 people in Lesotho. Variation in both incidence and mortality was substantially greater at the subnational level than at the national level and the highest estimated rates were accordingly higher. Among second-level administrative units, Guijá District, Gaza Province, Mozambique, had the highest estimated HIV incidence (4661·7 [2544·8–8120·3]) cases per 100 000 people in 2018 and Inhassunge District, Zambezia Province, Mozambique, had the highest estimated HIV mortality rate (1163·0 [679·0–1866·8]) deaths per 100 000 people. Further, the rate of reduction in HIV incidence and mortality from 2000 to 2018, as well as the ratio of new infections to the number of people living with HIV was highly variable. Although most second-level administrative units had declines in the number of new cases (3316 [81·1%] of 4087 units) and number of deaths (3325 [81·4%]), nearly all appeared well short of the targeted 75% reduction in new cases and deaths between 2010 and 2020. Interpretation. Our estimates suggest that most second-level administrative units in sub-Saharan Africa are falling short of the targeted 75% reduction in new cases and deaths by 2020, which is further compounded by substantial within-country variability. These estimates will help decision makers and programme implementers expand access to ART and better target health resources to higher burden subnational areas. This work was primarily supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (grant OPP1132415). Additionally, O Adetokunboh acknowledges the support of the Department of Science and Innovation, and National Research Foundation of South Africa. M Ausloos, A Pana, and C Herteliu are partially supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (Romania; project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0084). T W Bärnighausen was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Alexander von Humboldt Professor award, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. M J Bockarie is supported by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership. F Carvalho and E Fernandes acknowledge support from Portuguese national funds (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior; UIDB/info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/6817 - DCRRNI ID/UIDB/50006/2020/PT, UIDB/04378/2020, and UIDP/04378/2020. K Deribe is supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant 201900/Z/16/Z) as part of his International Intermediate Fellowship. B-F Hwang was partially supported by China Medical University (CMU107-Z-04), Taichung, Taiwan. M Jakovljevic acknowledges support of the Serbia Ministry of Education Science and Technological Development (grant OI 175 014). M N Khan acknowledges the support of Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Bangladesh. Y J Kim was supported by the Research Management Centre, Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia, (XMUMRF/2020-C6/ITCM/0004). K Krishnan is supported by University Grants Commission Centre of Advanced Study, (CAS II), awarded to the Department of Anthropology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. M Kumar would like to acknowledge National Institutes of Health and Fogarty International Cente (K43TW010716). I Landires is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigación, which is supported by the Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Panama. W Mendoza is a program analyst in population and development at the UN Population Fund Country Office in Peru, which does not necessarily endorse this study. M Phetole received institutional support from the Grants, Innovation and Product Development Unit, South African Medical Research Council. O Odukoya acknowledges support from the Fogarty International Center of the US National Institutes of Health (K43TW010704). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the US National Institutes of Health. O Oladimeji is grateful for the support from Walter Sisulu University, Eastern Cape, South Africa, the University of Botswana, Botswana, and the University of Technology of Durban, Durban, South Africa. J R Padubidri acknowledges support from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India. G C Patton is supported by an Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council research fellowship. P Rathi acknowledges Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal India. A I Ribeiro was supported by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under the programme of Stimulus of Scientific Employment–Individual Support (info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/CEEC IND 2018/CEECIND/02386/2018/CP1538/CT0001/PT). A M Samy acknowledges the support of the Egyptian Fulbright Mission Program. F Sha was supported by the Shenzhen Social Science Fund (SZ2020C015) and the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (KQTD20190929172835662). A Sheikh is supported by Health Data Research UK. N Taveira acknowledges partial funding by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, and Aga Khan Development Network—Portugal Collaborative Research Network in Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa (332821690), and by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (RIA2016MC-1615). C S Wiysonge is supported by the South African Medical Research Council. Y Zhang was supported by the Science and Technology Research Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (Q20201104) and Open Fund Project of Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Occupational Hazard Identification and Control (OHIC2020Y01).
