

Horizons de justice de l'école, en France et aux États-Unis

Denis Meuret


égalité des chancesinégalité socialesocial inequalitiesJustice éducativeComparaison internationale[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationéquité[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationfairness : equality of opportunitiestracksfilièrejustice


Social inequalities of educational careers are stronger in France than in the US, while most of the other indicators of equity are roughly equal. This can be related to the existence of paths in the French educational system, which do not exist in the more comprehensive american systems. More deeply, it can be related to the fact that equity in the US is conceived as fairness of the process of empowerment of students while it is conceived in France as the independence of the educational merit with the social capital.
