L'accès aux emplois en entreprise des docteurs scientifiques : les impacts des collaborations industrielles
Cathy Perretsubject
Filière SciencesEmploi des diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur/Diffusion de la connaissance/Production de savoir[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance/Identité professionnelleThéorie du signalGRHThéorie du capital humainRelation université-entreprise[ SHS.ECO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economies and financesChercheur[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceDocteur de troisième cycledescription
This thesis studies the entrance to firms of the science Ph.D graduates, notably as industrial researcher. Particularly, the impacts of collaborations between the academic sphere and the industry are examined. In this perspective, the first part is dedicated to the elaboration of a frame of analysis. This one establish links between the process of production of the knowledge, the training and the access to the labour market. The analysis of the preparation of the doctorate allows to define both the attributes common to all science Ph.D graduates, and the specific characteristics engendered by the existence of industrial collaborations. The study of the determinants of the access to employment (from the exam of the theories of the labour market) is then articulated with the hypotheses advanced on the characteristics of the Ph.D graduates. We underline so the strategies of the graduates relative to their training and to their job search. We also present the possible influences of four dimensions : the strategies of Ph.D's forming by companies, their search modes of an employee, their policies of management of the researchers and their modes of organisation of R&D's activities. The second part is dedicated to the empirical analysis of the phenomena. It leans on statistical exploitations and econometric of a survey of Céreq concerning the Ph.D graduates, and a specific inquiry concerning 250 research teams. So, the impacts of the various forms of industrial collaborations of the Ph.D graduates, and the research teams, are studied. Analyses are detailed by determining the respective role of collaborations according to the fields of study.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2000-12-14 |