

Analgesics use in competitive triathletes: its relationship to doping and on predicting its usage

Stephan LetzelPerikles SimonRolf UlrichPavel DietzRobert Dalaker


AdultMaleCompetitive Behaviormedicine.medical_specialtyPhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and RehabilitationCompetitive athletesPerformance-Enhancing SubstancesStatistical powerRunning03 medical and health sciencesSex Factors0302 clinical medicineRisk FactorsSex factorsSurveys and QuestionnairesStatistical significancePrevalenceHumansMedicineOrthopedics and Sports MedicineBinary logistic regression analysisSwimmingSimulationDoping in SportsAnalgesicsbiologyPotential riskbusiness.industryAthletes030229 sport sciencesMiddle AgedPrecipitating Factorsbiology.organism_classificationBicyclingLogistic ModelsAthletesSample size determinationPhysical therapyFemalebusiness030217 neurology & neurosurgerySports


The two major objectives of this study were (i) to assess variables that predict the use of analgesics in competitive athletes and (ii) to test whether the use of analgesics is associated with the use of doping. A questionnaire primarily addressing the use of analgesics and doping was distributed among 2,997 triathletes. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to predict the use of analgesics. Moreover, the randomised response technique (RRT) was used to estimate the prevalence of doping in order to assess whether users of analgesics have a higher potential risk for doping than non-users. Statistical power analyses were performed to determine sample size. The bootstrap method was used to assess the statistical significance of the prevalence difference for doping between users and non-users of analgesics. Four variables from a pool of 16 variables were identified that predict the use of analgesics. These were: "version of questionnaire (English)", "gender (female)", "behaviour in case of pain (continue training)", and "hours of training per week (12 h/week)". The 12-month prevalence estimate for the use of doping substances (overall estimate 13.0%) was significantly higher in athletes that used analgesics (20.4%) than in those athletes who did not use analgesics (12.4%). The results of this study revealed that athletes who use analgesics prior to competition may be especially prone to using doping substances. The predictors of analgesic use found in the study may be of importance to prepare education material and prevention models against the misuse of drugs in athletes.
