

Biomass estimator for NIR image with a few additional spectral band images taken from light UAS

Eija HonkavaaraHeikki SaloHeikki SaariLiisa PesonenIlkka PölönenJere Kaivosoja


ta113Computer scienceFabry-Perotprecision farmingNear-infrared spectroscopyPoint cloudEstimatorBiomassSpectral bandsNIRBiomass estimationfertilizerestimatorWavelength/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/zero_hungerPrecision agriculturespectral imagerSDG 2 - Zero HungerImage resolutionRemote sensing


A novel way to produce biomass estimation will offer possibilities for precision farming. Fertilizer prediction maps can be made based on accurate biomass estimation generated by a novel biomass estimator. By using this knowledge, a variable rate amount of fertilizers can be applied during the growing season. The innovation consists of light UAS, a high spatial resolution camera, and VTT's novel spectral camera. A few properly selected spectral wavelengths with NIR images and point clouds extracted by automatic image matching have been used in the estimation. The spectral wavelengths were chosen from green, red, and NIR channels.
