

Mappings of L p -integrable distortion: regularity of the inverse

Jani OnninenVille Tengvall


regularity of the inverseSobolev homeomorphismmappings of finite distortionmodulus of continuityhigher integrability


Let X be an open set in R n and suppose that f : X → R n is a Sobolev homeomorphism. We study the regularity of f −1 under the L p -integrability assumption on the distortion function Kf . First, if X is the unit ball and p > n−1, then the optimal local modulus of continuity of f −1 is attained by a radially symmetric mapping. We show that this is not the case when p 6 n − 1 and n > 3, and answer a question raised by S. Hencl and P. Koskela. Second, we obtain the optimal integrability results for |Df −1 | in terms of the L p -integrability assumptions of Kf . peerReviewed
