

Determinants of Italian agri-food exports in non-EU Mediterranean Partner Countries: An empirical investigation through a gravity model approach

M. CrescimannoAntonino GalatiD. Yahiaoui


Agri-food exportItalySettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleEuro-mediterranean partnership


The aim of this paper is to lay emphasis on the main factors (economic, historical, structural, etc.) that affect Italian agri-food exports in the non-EU Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs). The authors estimate a gravity equation including some of the main variables found in the reference literature useful to highlight the main factors which influence the bilateral exchanges. The results show that the variables traditionally included in the gravity equation present the expected sign. In particular, Italian agri-food exports towards its neighbouring Mediterranean countries are positively affected by income of partner countries, colonial and historical ties, geographical proximity and the lack of importance of the agricultural sector in some partner countries.
