

Territories, identities and strategies in Forez from the sixth at the first front millenium BC in the upstream basin of the Loire (France)

Vincent Georges


Bronze AgeCampaniformePrehistoryIron AgePréhistoireNéolithiqueStone AgemodelingProtohistoireCopper AgeAnthropologieChalcolithique[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciencesâge du FerBell BeakersArchaeologyArchéologieâge du BronzeAnthropology[ SHS ] Humanities and Social Sciences[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencesmodélisation


This thesis heading Territories, identities and strategies in Forez from the sixth at the first front millenium BC in the upstream basin of the Loire, relates to an extent in the north-Eastern part of the Massif central in contact with the Rhodanian corridor. This intramontane sector (current department of Loire 42) has allowed to build a consequent archaeological corpus which clarified behaviors having strong socio-economic and environmental implications. The archaeological study called upon various disciplines: agronomy, anthropology, archeometry (palynology, dating 14C, etc.), ceramology, geography, geomorphology, petrography, sedimentology, volumetry. It recuts several sets of themes : archaeological cartography, territorial studies, fluvial stratigraphy, the characterization and diffusion of materials, lithic, metallurgical and textile technologies, panoplies, architecture, territoriality and semantic. Principal results obtained : - A analysis of geographical space and archaeological corpus, - A typo-chronological test of classification of vestiges, - The definition of lithic materials with the determination of the accessibility and exploitation of the tectonites foréziennes (set of tools, axes...), - A chronostratigraphic approach of the flood plain of the Loire in Forez, - Identifications of protohistoric territorial constructions, - A analysis of the management of sowing and harvests during Bronze and Iron age and, - A technological and anthropological study of the metallic and textile protocolar ladies' garments between 1500-1000 BC from metallic rings covered.
