

Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of α-Tubulin-Binding Pironetin Analogues with Enhanced Lipophilicity

Juan MurgaMiguel CardaIsabel BarasoainJ. Fernando DíazJorge García-plaChiara TrigiliEva FalomirJulián PañosJ. Alberto MarcoSantiago Díaz-oltra


StereochemistryChemistryOrganic ChemistryChristian ministryPhysical and Theoretical Chemistryα tubulinHumanitiesBiological evaluation


Financial support has been granted to M. C. by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (project numbers CTQ2008-02800 and CTQ2011-27560), by the Conselleria d'Empresa, Universitat i Ciencia de la Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP09/113) and by the BANCAJA-UJI Foundation (P1-1B2002-06, P1-1B-2008-14 and PI-1B2011-37). The biological work has been supported in part by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (grant number BIO2010-16351) and from the Comunidad de Madrid (grant number S2010/BMD-2457 BIPEDD2-CM), both to J. F. D. We further thank the Matadero Municipal Vicente de Lucas in Segovia for providing the calf brains, which were the source of tubulin.
