

A new model for the relations between longitudinal personality profiles and psychological functioning through middle age

Johanna RantanenEija RäikkönenMarja-liisa KinnunenLea PulkkinenKatja Kokko


Extraversion and introversionmedia_common.quotation_subjectAlternative five model of personalityConscientiousnessBig Five personality traits and cultureHierarchical structure of the Big FiveNeuroticismDevelopmental psychologyPersonalityBig Five personality traitsPsychologyGeneral PsychologyClinical psychologymedia_common


Personality traits and psychological functioning were assessed three times between the ages from 33 to 50 years (average N = 250) in the Finnish Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development. Five longitudinal personality profiles were extracted: Resilient, Overcontrolled, Undercontrolled, Reserved, and Ordinary. The Resilients (neuroticism low, other traits high) were higher in optimism and personal control over development than the Overcontrolleds (neuroticism high, other traits low) at all ages, whereas the Overcontrolleds were higher in anxiety and depressive symptoms. Other profiles were between them in these characteristics. The Undercontrolleds (high openness and extraversion, low conscientiousness) were higher than the other profiles, particularly, the Reserveds (high conscientiousness, other traits low) in monotony avoidance and impulsiveness. Both the Undercontrolleds and Overcontrolleds were higher in alcoholism screening tests than the Resilients and Reserveds. These differences can be presented within a two-dimensional model for the relations between personality profiles and psychological functioning.
