Der Zerfall des95Sr
W. HerzogW. Grimmsubject
PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsDecay schemeSpectrometerFissionbusiness.industryAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaGamma rayNeutron temperatureNuclear physicsSemiconductorExcited stateNuclear fusionAtomic physicsbusinessdescription
The nuclide95Sr was isolated by chemical separation methods after thermal neutron induced fission of235U. It's decay properties were investigated employing semiconductor spectrometers and coincidence techniques. A half-life of 24.4±0.2 sec was found. Out of 29 gamma rays, 25 transitions representing 97% of the observed gamma-ray intensity were placed in a decay scheme comprising 19 excited states of95Y.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1974-10-01 | Zeitschrift für Physik |