

Countertransference responses mediate the relationship between patients' overall defense functioning and therapists' interventions.

Antonello ColliSalvatore GulloGiulia Gagliardini


MalePsychotherapistpatient defenseEmotionsPsychological interventionHostilitytherapist interventionsIntervention levelPersonality DisorderscountertransferencemedicineHumansCountertransferencemediation analysiscountertransference; hostility; interpretations; mediation analysis; patient defenses; therapist interventionsinterpretationinterpretationspatient defenseshostilitymediation analysiProfessional-Patient RelationsPsychotherapyClinical PsychologyFemalemedicine.symptomCountertransferencePsychology


Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate the relationship between therapists' techniques (supportive/expressive intervention level - ESIL), therapists' countertransference (CT) and patients' defense level of functioning (ODF). We hypothesized that CT could play a mediating role in the relationship between patients' ODF and therapists' ESIL. Method: 65 psychotherapy sessions were rated by two different raters each with the Psychodynamic Interventions Rating Scale and the Defense Mechanisms Rating Scale. Clinicians used the Therapist Response Questionnaire to provide information on their CT. The 65 sessions referred to 65 clinicians (25 = females, 40 = males; 38 = psychodynamic, 27 = cognitive). More than half of the patients (n = 40; 61.5%) had a diagnosis of personality disorder. Among clinical disorders the most frequent were mood (n = 12) and anxiety disorders (n = 11). Five patients had no diagnosis. Results: Four CT responses (parental; positive; criticized; overinvolved) completely mediated the relationship between patients' ODF and therapists' ESIL, while no effect resulted in relation to overwhelmed, helpless, sexualized and disengaged CTs. No effect of theoretical orientations on mediation pathways was found. Conclusion: Both positive and negative CT feelings seemed to play a crucial role in the relationship between therapists' interventions and patients' ODF.
