

Nouvelles technologies et aide à la compréhension de documents techniques : Construction et expérimentation d'un simulateur de fonctionnement de grues à tours pour l'apprentissage de la notion de courbe de charge chez des grutiers peu lettrés

Jean-michel Boucheix


simulatorilliteracyEducation<br />Computer-assisted educationtechnical writingsergonomie cognitive de l'apprentissage[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationdocuments techniques[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationcognitive ergonomic trainingmultimodaliténouvelles technologiesEducation -- Data processing<br />Computer-assisted instructionreprésentation fonctionnelleEnseignement assisté par ordinateur<br />Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communicationEducational technologies<br />Information and communications technologysimulateurinstructional technologyComprehensionfunctional mental modelillettrisme


Reading skills are more and more required to succeed professional examination. French crane drivers are concerned with this problem. In order to help them, we have conducted a study with three main steps. First, we carried out a cognitive work analysis. Second, we test several analogical modalities of written presentations focusing on the construction of a specific simulator. Finally, two experiments are presented showing a significative effect of this simulator on the comprehension of cranes technical documentation.
