Non-periodic Discrete-Spline Wavelets
Valery A. ZheludevPekka NeittaanmäkiAmir Averbuchsubject
UpsamplingSpline (mathematics)WaveletComputer scienceComputingMethodologies_IMAGEPROCESSINGANDCOMPUTERVISIONMathematicsofComputing_NUMERICALANALYSISWavelet transformPolyphase systemData_CODINGANDINFORMATIONTHEORYFilter (signal processing)AlgorithmComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICSExponential functiondescription
This chapter describes wavelet analysis in the spaces of discrete splines whose spans are powers of 2. This wavelet analysis is similar to wavelet analysis in the polynomial-spline spaces. The transforms are based on relations between exponential discrete splines from different resolution scales. Generators of discrete-spline wavelet spaces are described. The discrete-spline wavelet transforms generate wavelet transforms in signal space. Practically, wavelet transforms of signals are implemented by multirate filtering of signals by two-channel filter banks with the downsampling factor 2 (critically sampled filter banks). The filtering implementation is accelerated by switching to the polyphase representation of signals and filters.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2015-08-28 |