

La dépense d'éducation des familles : une analyse comparative

Jean Bourdon


Comparaison internationale[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDépense d'éducation[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationAnalyse comparativeFamilleFinancement éducation familleFinancement éducation état


The private expenditures in education put to the economist some methodological difficulties since it concerns, for the essential, a domain with imperfect public goods. One compares here, for various countries, especially inside the EU, the average division of the expense between families and the collectivities, the observation is that the diversity. In a time second are compared educative expenses for two countries distanced on the scale of the economic development, the social group of the family is a primary determining for the orientation of expenses. Finally an analysis on long period run confirms family strategies in agreement with the human capital theory.
