

Longitudinal associations between teacher-child interactions and academic skills in elementary school

Marja-kristiina LerkkanenPoikkeus Anna-maijaJenni SalminenEija PakarinenJari-erik NurmiGintautas SilinskasMartti Siekkinen


päiväkoditmedia_common.quotation_subjecteducationlapset (ikäryhmät)esiopetusbehavioral disciplines and activitieslukeminenDevelopmental psychologylong-term associationsMath skillsreadingReading (process)mental disordersDevelopmental and Educational Psychologymatemaattiset taidot0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesta516kindergartenopettaja-oppilassuhdeta515media_commonmatematiikkamathematics05 social sciences050301 educationlukeminen (toiminta)lastentarhaAcademic skillsacademic skillsesikouluikäisetlukutaitobehavior and behavior mechanismsperuskouluPsychologyteacher-child interactions0503 education050104 developmental & child psychology


This study examined the extent to which the quality of teacher-child interactions assessed in kindergarten (6-year-olds) is associated with children's reading and math development across the elementary school years. The sample consisted of 515 Finnish children (271 boys, 244 girls). Teacher-child interactions were observed in 49 kindergarten classrooms. The findings from the latent growth curve models showed that high-quality teacher–child interactions in kindergarten were positively associated with the initial levels of reading and math skills. Furthermore, the results indicated that high-quality teacher-child interactions in kindergarten were positively associated with children's academic skills four years later. The results emphasize the importance of strong emotional, organizational, and instructional supports in kindergarten for further development of academic skills. peerReviewed
