

Innovazione e pianificazione. Una nuova visione per il progetto del territorio provinciale

Filippo Schilleci


AmbientePianificazioen Area VastaInnovazioneSettore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaEcologia


The regional planning, as for a product of synergies arising from differ- ent agents, is getting more and more such a complex topic, possibly requir- ing a renovation in order to refresh its approach. Thinking over how to plan the territory is not a new process. History teaches that both the evolution and the technological progress have always involved some new needs and alterations of the life styles, consequently producing some renovate models as regards the use of the territory. One of the problem, that has urgently to be dealt with, is the relationship between preservation and innovation since the recent models seem to re- gard the territory as a continuously consumable and renewable resource. Ecology teaches us it is not true, and as long as a proper correspondence between antropic and natural necessities hasn’t found, repercussions could be destructive. That’s why the reading and planning system of the territory, marked by an ecological correlation, is to be considered one of the most adecuate to deal with this topic. The ecological network, as for an inte- grated management system of the material-space territory, defending the interconnections between the habitats makes the flux of the human’s ge- netic patrimony possible, from a zone to another, and would make sure the spatial and ecological coherence within the regional planning process. In order that it could happen, it’s worth working at an identification of the ecological networks within an institutional sphere, to be on a level with national and international politicies and instruments of environmental pres- ervation. Some studies about recent provincial planning processes, in Italy, have described how it’s to be possible, if there is a political will, finally un- derstanding that preservation isn’t a synomym of prohibition, but, on the contrary, it can be turned out into a good fortune for the growth.
