

Lineare e ciclico

Russo A


Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaSettore ICAR/16 - Architettura Degli Interni E AllestimentoGianni BraghieriComposizioneTempo


Time beats the metric scores and the solitude of the Gianni Braghieri’s works. It relates the timeless dimension to the paratactic model of a separeted city of parts as a starting point in the design of a building made of primary units. In his poliedric activity coexist the cyclic and circular reading of time, according to a classical idea, together with the linear path of the modernist vision.If “forever and ever in the history of everything now was invented, designed, constructed” (G. Braghieri 2010) look to the future is to read again the past. Everything seems to have happened, so everything will happen. At the same time, the straight line outlined by Sigfried Giedion reads in the progression of terms space, time and architecture the entire thematic universe of his poetry.
