

L'immigration dans quelques communes de la banlieue ouest : Asnières, Nanterre et Puteaux de 1830 à 1930

Jean-claude Farcy


[SHS.DROIT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LawPolymers and Plastics[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawDémographie8. Economic growth[ SHS.DROIT ] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawGeneral Environmental Scienceimmigration


A study of immigration for the period 1 830-1 930 for three communes in the western suburbs of Paris has been undertaken with the aid of official marriage certificates. The study tends to show that each suburban commune's immigrants, coming primarily from the provinces and secondarily from Paris, have been chosen to some extent since they reflect the economic activities and the social composition of the population of the commune of arrival. This selection occuring within national migration streams seems to favour the migrants insertion, at least until the beginning of the twentieth century.
