

Early detection of myocardial damage: A multimodality approach

Antonella FavaCinzia NugaraGiuseppina NovoAntonio ManteroRodolfo Citro


Cardiac function curvemedicine.medical_specialtyCardiotoxicitybiologydeformation imagingbusiness.industryEarly detectionCancermultimodality approachReview Articlemedicine.diseaseTroponinCardiotoxicityInternal medicineAntineoplastic DrugsmedicineCardiologybiology.proteinechocardiographyRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingIn patientearly detectionCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicinebusinessCardiac imaging


Cardiovascular diseases are possible complications of antineoplastic treatment and may lead to premature morbidity and mortality among cancer survivors. A symptom-based follow-up is ineffective, and there are growing evidences that early detection of myocardial damage in patients treated with antineoplastic drugs is the key point to prevent the occurrence of damage and improve the prognosis of these patients. Different techniques have been proposed to monitor cardiac function in oncologic patients such as cardiac imaging (echocardiography, nuclear imaging, and cardiac magnetic resonance) and biomarkers (troponin and natriuretic peptides). The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging/American Society of Echocardiography consensus document encourages an integrated approach to early detect cardiotoxicity.
