

Sequent depth ratio of B-jumps on smooth and rough beds

Francesco Giuseppe CarolloVito FerroVincenzo Pampalone


lcsh:Agricultureopen channel flow hydraulic jump energy dissipation sloping channel bed roughness.roughnejumpMechanical Engineeringlcsh:SBioengineeringopen channel flowlcsh:Agriculture (General)lcsh:S1-972hydraulicIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering


A hydraulic B-jump has the toe section located on a positively sloping upstream channel and the roller end on a downstream horizontal channel. This paper analyses the B-jump on a rough bed, such as at the transition from a block ramp to the stilling basin. Laboratory measurements of the sequent depth were carried out using three different channel slopes for the rough bed and a single slope for the smooth bed. A solution useful for estimating the sequent depth ratio in a rectangular channel for different relative roughness and bed slope is proposed and positively tested by the present measurements. This solution can also be used to estimate the sequent depth ratio of classical hydraulic jumps or B-jumps on smooth and rough beds.
