

Approaches to Learning, Wellbeing, Study Success and Employment Expectations in a Finnish Business School

Rautiainen AnttiTimo Tohmo


opintomenestyswellbeingoppiminenkauppakorkeakoulutbusiness schoolstyöllistyminenhyvinvointiComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONtyöllisyys


In business school contexts, the relationships between the learning approach, wellbeing, study success, and employment expectations have not been widely studied. In this paper, we analyze learning approaches and student wellbeing in a Finnish business school. We found a significant relation between them and success in business school studies and employment expectations. Major-subject related differences in approaches to learning were observed. For example, social relations were particularly emphasized by students of marketing. More specifically, we found seven learning approaches: 1) Independent learners, 2) Teacher-centered learners, 3) Social learners, 4) Fumbling learners, 5) Theoretical learners, 6) Integrating learners and 7) Practical learners. All in all, the learning approach is a combined result of several issues and several learning approaches can be adopted by business school students, but ultimately independent and integrated approaches to learning lead to the best academic results especially in the major subject studies. peerReviewed
