

Impacts of volcanic hazards on rural communities and adaptative strategies: A case study of the Virunga Volcanic Province (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Patrick Macumu HabakaramoGuillaume BoudoireSergio CalabreseFrancesco RufinoRachel M. CoyteDario Tedesco


NyiragongoSocial vulnerability[SDU.STU.VO]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/VolcanologyVolcanic hazardsGeologyBuilding and ConstructionRisks perceptionGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologySafety ResearchNyamulagiraSettore GEO/08 - Geochimica E Vulcanologia


co auteur étranger; International audience; Active volcanoes are a continuous threat for several regions worldwide and cause socio-economic and environmental issues, including the Virunga Volcanic Province (D.R. Congo). There, more than 2 million people are permanently exposed to the hazards of the most active volcanoes in Africa: Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira. However, there is a clear lack of information regarding the impacts of these hazards and how they may be affected by social vulnerability. In this study, a household survey based on semi-structural interviews was performed for rural communities in Virunga. This research aims to (i) investigate the impacts of volcanic hazards on rural communities facing distinct levels of social vulnerability, (ii) understand the adaptive strategies developed by these communities to address these impacts, and finally (iii) identify the main grievances with respect to volcanic hazards raised by these rural communities. The most vulnerable households are those directly affected by volcano-tectonic hazards such as lava flows, mazukus, volcanic gases, ash fallout, and seismic activity. Indirect dangers related to water and food contamination by volcanic emissions are also stronger for the most vulnerable households. Respondents reported that most edible plants and waters are strongly affected by direct volcanic emissions. Drinking waters, which come from traditional drainage, rainfall, and streams, are generally not suitable for human consumption in the study area. Community suggestions for addressing issues related to volcanic-tectonic hazards include efforts to improve water and food quality, enhancement of the sanitary system, timely information on the volcanic activity, volcano monitoring, and capacity building for volcanologists.
